Is Life Coaching for me?

Greetings fellow life explorers!

Undeniably, there is ample hype around life coaching these days.

What is it? What is it not? Is it for me? How do I explore? (there’s a nugget at the end of this posting).

The most commonly asked question I almost always get.

It is about creating a safe and trusting space. Through active listening, empathy, intuition, powerful and thought provoking questions, you will experience a fresh perspective on a topic that you face, or a decision you are trying to make; basically anything going on in your life where you may want a deeper understanding, some clarity and/or a shift. We all have the answers within ourselves. It’s just that sometimes the blocks that rear their ugly heads prevent us from reaching them. These blocks are usually negative thoughts and patters that have been around for a while and show up in the voice of our inner critic. I like to think of them as gremlins. While life coaching recognizes that a lot stems from our childhood and upbringing, we  focus on moving forward, on shifting the mindset and helping you find your path, your truth, and your answers.

Your life coach will help you look at what’s holding you back, what you get stuck on that stands in the way of your success and progress as you define it. You know, those blind spots we all have…

It is not about diagnosing or treating issues like depression, anxiety, or mental illness. This is where you seek the professional advice of a licensed therapist.

What follows is a perfect illustration of common themes, yearnings, dreams and related topics in life coaching:

My personal experience came through my job in the corporate world. At a time when I was not happy; in all honesty I was miserable. At a time when I knew something had to change and I was open to digging in and doing the work, becoming vulnerable, being deeply honest with myself. This obviously led me to a path of becoming a full time student and a certified life coach.

My favorite metaphor about the gift of life coaching is that it’s like owning a backpack with some basic, but very important tools. I don’t want it to weigh me down. I need it to support whatever it is that I am trying to accomplish. I need to be able to reach into it and pull out what I need when I am …stuck. When I need to go down a discovery path, or when I need to remind myself how to reengage with who I really am. I need my tools.

How does this translate into my life?

Well, let me ask you this. Do you ever find yourself thinking, wishing, wanting something different? Whether it has to do with how you go about your everyday life, or something specific as it may relate to relationships with yourself, work, or any other relationship. Or maybe you just want to grab life by its horns and finally do something you have always dreamt about doing but have not.

Do you ever notice patterns in your thoughts or reactions? Do you ever wonder why you have those thoughts, beliefs, ways of being, where all this may have stemmed from and how you can shift gears?

Arché Life Coaching

I am an advocate of life coaching for expats; for people who have a bicultural background. Why? Because this is something very familiar to me.

But at the end of the day I work with clients on all topics.

My job is to help you strengthen your muscle of courage. To help you identify and own what is true to you. To dialogue with your gremlins and let them go. My clients range from people who are exploring life in different countries through my retreats, retired folks who are figuring out their next chapter, people who are ready to embrace and chase what makes them truly happy, artists who are building confidence, people who are questioning what they really want to be doing with their life. Life in all of its glorious phases!

Are you curious and considering dipping your toes in? I am offering a gift of a 90 minute session to the first 10 subscribers that sign up here for “Sophia’s Gift”. Spread the word and take advantage of my gift. Why am I doing this? Simply put, I am really eager to share the gift of coaching in real time for anyone who is curious without any further commitments or sales pitches involved!

Let’s connect on social: IG account #arche_life_coaching & Facebook page. Sign up for my newsletter here for exclusive offers (no spam).

Stay curious!

Coach Sophia


Travel and Transformation


About Curiosity!