About Curiosity!

Greetings fellow life explorers!

Curiosity has been on my mind a lot lately. While it is part of the foundation of my retreat exploration, I’ve also been mulling over the term as a broader concept and how it runs its cycle in our lives. It all started when I was recently chatting with a client who said: “you know, I just wish I could get more curious about this”.

You know I’m a stickler for etymology! So what is the origin and definition of this word?

Curiosity (from Latin cūriōsitās, from cūriōsus "careful, diligent, curious", akin to cura "care") is a quality related to inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in humans and other animals.

We are born curious. Most of us spend the first few years of our life learning and exploring through curiosity. It’s all very playful and thoroughly enjoyable with great rewards. Simultaneously, it creates a foundation for learning and experiencing life. Of course there is a science of curiosity, neuroscience that drives it, and different types (yes that’s right, there are types: the Artist, Inventor, Explorer, or Scientist).

I’m keeping it real simple today and posing the question “what happens to us as we grow up, grow older and become less curious”?

What are some of the contributing factors? Here’s just a few examples:

• We experience pressure from family, society and environment to accept the “as is”.

• We become emotionally anxious about the results.

• We live in a world of technology, any questions are immediately answered.

• Artificial intelligence is here to stay and frequently removes motivation.

• Business asks for fast results, no time to get curious and try different paths.

• Busyness, Busyness, Busyness, who has time, I have bigger fish to fry thoughts.

So, you know I’m curious…where do you stand on this topic? How curious are you today?

In this moment? And I don’t just mean on a certain topic in the name of educating yourself.

I’m more interested in curiosity as a way of being and going about in life.

How do we break free of all those self imposed barriers? How do we get reconnected to that kid in all of us, with that undying curiosity, the thirst and excitement?

In honor of curiosity and for the month of September, I am offering my newsletter subscribers 30 minute Curiosity Booster sessions.

What’s one area of your life where you’d like to revive some curiosity? Maybe do something differently? What could that look like? What support do you need around that? Let’s chat!

As a subscriber to my newsletter I am offering these 30 minute booster sessions @ $45.

Promo code is offered through my newsletter.

Prior to our mini session you will complete a very brief form so we can dive right in.

As a firm believer of communication, please do share my newsletter signup link so others can benefit also and receive the promo code.

Curiously yours,

Coach Sophia


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About asking questions in life coaching